aubrey whitten
What's coming up?
2025 is promising to be a big, busy year!
I'm currently trudging through the painstaking process of editing and reworking all my previously completed books for release on Amazon. That's all the old favourites, including Eden and Zach, and by popular request, Gwen and Toby.
I haven't committed to any firm dates yet, but my original four should be back online by June 2025. If you're hunting for updates or possible ARC opportunities, please keep in touch via my Facebook or Instagram! And if you've signed up to my newsletter, you can expect an announcement once my first book is officially released.
2025 will also be time to start sharing my new releases. While I don't want to spoil the surprise of what's in the works, there's one particular book I know some readers will be excited to see in the line-up. That's right—The Widowmaker is officially on its way.
Hoping you all have a wonderful year, and happy reading in 2025!
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